Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa
Capricorn LGBTI Pride

07 DECEmber 2019


07 December 2019, we hosted the Limpopo Pride at Capricorn District, Mankweng Community Hall, Turfloop, with the support from Polokwane Municipality, Mankweng Community Law Advice Office and Anova. The purpose was to move pride events from the City where people are more aware on LGBTIQ matters, to townships and rural areas to create more impact in combating stigma and discrimination. The local event was a success.

PRIDE Message Placard
PRIDE Race Placard
PRIDE Parenting Placard
PRIDE Flag Placard
prd pstr cak
PRIDE Apartheid Placard
PRIDE Cyber Placard
PRIDE Abuse Placard
PRIDE Traditional Placard